Soil Solutions is an agribusiness based in Ghana. We provice farmers with an affordable "Do It Yourself" soil test kit for farmers to analyse their soil nutrient, before, during and after planting. Asaasepa Soil Test Kit is a "Do It Yourself" test kit that enables farmers to test for the available major nutrients (N,P,K) and pH in the soil to make informed agronomic decisions on the type of crop to plant and the type of fertilizer to apply. With the help of the Asaasepa Mobile App and USSD, farmers are able to interpret the test results and recommendations to make informed agronomic decisions (precision farming) on the type of crop to cultivate, the type of fertilizer blend to apply and learn basic best farming practices. This solution has helped farmers to save resources on applying fertilizers the plant might not need, prevent fertilizer pollution and increase crop yield. Asaasepa Weather Application inform farmers on the their weather conditions to make to informed agronomic decisions which takes the traditional guesswork from agriculture.